OBELA Analysis

Lunes, Julio 5, 2021 - 18:01

How 2021 is shaping up

Global inflation is rising rapidly in a year of uneven growth rates, higher than estimated in the US and the European Union (EU), and lower for all but the Asian economies.

The question is why inflation is being discussed when consumer price indices in the US and EU are stable, and what effect these discussions have on international interest rates.

To counteract the inflations produced by these causes, central banks are preparing to readjust interest rates, which are currently at their lowest real levels in decades.

Theme of reaserch:
Crisis económica
Jueves, Junio 17, 2021 - 16:55

Private consumption, the internal engine of the economy

Latin American economies continue to recover thanks to the momentum of external and domestic demand. In some countries, both engines are warming up in coordination, while in others, the external one recovered faster. In several countries in the region, fiscal policies were implemented to reactivate domestic demand. 
GDP is returning to its pre-pandemic levels thanks to the impulse of the main trading partners of Latin American countries and the price of raw materials, and to the support in monetary transfers to families and companies. 
According to IMF estimates, Latin America's GDP will decrease 8.3% in 2020, while South America 8% and the Caribbean Basin 9.9% will be the most affected. Growth in 2021 will be higher in the southern countries than in the Basin, 3.8% and 3% respectively. With the return of international trade, the speed of recovery depends on domestic demand.

Theme of reaserch:
Crisis económica
Viernes, Junio 11, 2021 - 16:15

The search for Latin American lithium

The energy transition has made lithium a critical element. In Latin America it is a priority issue that gained strength since the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century. The energy transition has forced the use of technology and inputs other than those related to hydrocarbons.

Lithium has gained an important place in the dispute for world hegemony. Since lithium was recognized as a key element for the energy transition of the vehicle fleet, it began to be considered as a strategic material.

Latin America stands out for its immense lithium reserves. Bolivia, Argentina and Chile are the three countries with the largest reserves of this material. Lithium and its exploitation in the region is a clash of interests. While the countries of the region themselves seek to take advantage of the growing demand for lithium to obtain fiscal resources from its exploitation, developed countries ensure access to it for the production of rechargeable batteries.

Theme of reaserch:
Desarrollo y medio ambiente
