Oscar Ugarteche

The profitability of the oil industry

Vie, 05/01/2020 - 15:24 -- anegrete

The crisis over COVID-19 has hit the world economy as a whole. This note reviews the effects on the oil industry, the fall in the volume of world supply and demand, and the prices of crude oil quoted on international markets.

After the collapse of the oil price, a recovery in the energy sector will depend on the improvement in the price and the speed with which it is achieved. Prices are expected to remain low, and the sector is expected to suffer despite the market recovery.

In view of this negative environment in the industry, the possibility of greater investment in alternative energies and consequently a deepening of the change in the energy matrix must be envisaged.

What changed with the epidemic?

Lun, 04/27/2020 - 14:43 -- anegrete

Since December 31, 2019 the world has gone from predictions of declining economic growth/recession to being faced with the first global economic contraction since the 1930s.

Never before in peacetime has a country closed its factories and not shipped its finished products. This time manufacturing and foreign trade were frozen in China. Nor had it ever been seen that all services in all countries, some more than others, closed simultaneously, except for the United States, Great Britain and Mexico which closed later or did not close at all.

The contemporary societal lesson will be to have new forms of human contact, new forms of life. Global value chains must be rethought and industrialization policies must be rethought. Public health as a public good must return.

Qué ha cambiado desde la aparición del coronavirus

Lun, 04/27/2020 - 14:40 -- anegrete

Desde el 31 de diciembre del 2019 el mundo ha pasado de tener unas predicciones de disminución de crecimiento/recesión económica a estar enfrentado a la primera contracción económica mundial desde los años 30.

Nunca se había visto en tiempos de paz que un país cerrara sus fábricas y no embarcara sus productos ya terminados. Esta vez se congelaron la fabricación y el comercio exterior en China. Tampoco se había visto nunca que todos los servicios de todos los países, unos más que otros, cerraran en simultáneo, menos Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña y México que cerraron después o no cerraron.

La lección societal contemporánea será tener nuevas formas de contacto humano, nuevas formas vida. Las cadenas globales de valor deben de ser repensadas y las políticas de industrialización también. La salud pública como un bien público debe de regresar.

Covid-19: the beginning of the domino effect

Lun, 04/13/2020 - 12:52 -- anegrete

The effects of COVID-19 on the real economy are beginning to materialize around the world. Since the second half of March, the first symptoms of the deterioration of confidence and uncertainty in the economy appeared when the stock market indices of the main countries fell to a minimum during the year.
The situation that will inevitably be seen for most countries in the world will be: falling output, unemployment despite the efforts of economic authorities. This time with a generalized impact for all countries, sectors and with a direct risk for the human being.
The domino effect has already started and now the situation that occurred in February in China is present in the rest of the economies in March. The effect, scope and horizon of normalisation of all activity seem to be far away and are uncertain.

Covid-19: el comienzo del efecto dominó

Lun, 04/13/2020 - 12:45 -- anegrete

Los efectos del COVID-19 en la economía real se comienzan a materializar alrededor del mundo. Desde la segunda mitad de marzo aparecieron los primero síntomas del deterioro de la confianza e incertidumbre en la economía cuando en el sector financiero los índices de bolsa de los principales países cayeron a mínimos durante el año.

La situación que inevitablemente se verá para la mayoría de los países en el mundo será: caída del producto, desempleo a pesar de los esfuerzos de las autoridades económicas. Esta vez con un impacto generalizado para todos los países, sectores y con un riesgo directo para el ser humano.

El efecto dominó ya comenzó y ahora la situación que se dio en febrero en China se presenta en el resto de las economías en marzo. El efecto, alcance y horizonte de normalización de toda actividad parecen estar lejos y son inciertos.

Vehículos eléctricos en América Latina

Lun, 04/06/2020 - 19:06 -- anegrete

El cambio de matriz energética liderado por China no se limita a la generación de electricidad por medio de energías limpias. El mercado de automóviles, autobuses y motocicletas eléctricas está en auge. Desde 2016 China es el país con mayores ventas internas de automóviles eléctricos y para 2019 es el mayor exportador de autos, motocicletas y autobuses eléctricos del mundo.

Hay un proceso incipiente de cambio de la planta automotriz en América Latina esencialmente liderada por China y aunque pequeña va acelerándose.

En América Latina el mercado de automóviles eléctricos está naciendo. Para reducir la huella de carbono, los gobiernos de los países latinoamericanos implementaron medidas para estimular el consumo de autos eléctricos

Electric vehicles in Latin America

Lun, 04/06/2020 - 19:01 -- anegrete

The change in the energy matrix led by China is not limited to the generation of electricity through clean energy. The market for electric cars, buses and motorcycles is booming.  Since 2016 China is the country with the highest domestic sales of electric cars and by 2019 it is the largest exporter of electric cars, motorcycles and buses in the world.
There is an incipient process of change of the automotive plant in Latin America essentially led by China and although small it is accelerating.
In Latin America, the electric car market is emerging. To reduce the carbon footprint, the governments of Latin American countries implemented measures to stimulate the consumption of electric cars

The fall in world trade volume and commodity prices

Lun, 03/30/2020 - 12:24 -- anegrete

A large number of businesses have stopped because of the VOC-19 pandemic and the current economic outlook is negative for the global economy. As a result of China's closure of production and suspension of deliveries to global value chains and as intermediate inputs, many more countries have stopped much of their production.
International trade is suffering on both the export and import sides. Given the prospect of loss of real demand for inputs, the reaction on the stock market has not been one of over-pricing of commodities.
The trend in the prices of the main commodities has been downward since 201. Lower commodity prices have a direct impact on primary export economies, such as most Latin American economies.

La caída de volumen de comercio mundial y los precios de commodities

Lun, 03/30/2020 - 12:21 -- anegrete

Un gran número de empresas han parado por la pandemia de COVID-19 y las perspectivas económicas actuales son negativas para la economía global. Como consecuencia del cierre de la producción de China y la suspensión de entregas para las cadenas globales de valor y como insumos intermedios, muchos más países han parado buena parte de su producción.

El comercio internacional está sufriendo tanto en las exportaciones como en las importaciones. Ante la perspectiva de perdida de demanda real de insumos, la reacción en la bolsa de valores no ha sido el sobre precio de los commodities.

La tendencia de los precios de los principales commodities es descendente desde el 2011. Un menor precio de los commodities impacta directamente en economías primario-exportadoras, como la mayoría de las latinoamericanas.

Coronavirus, a greater risk to the world than to China

Lun, 03/16/2020 - 11:56 -- anegrete

On December 31, 2019, the coronavirus (COVID-19) appeared in Wuhan, China. While this explains the speed of the stock market fall, it is not enough to explain why it resembles the experience of the 2008 - 2009 crisis.
The impact that has been presented cannot be understood without understanding the importance of China in global value chains. China is the source of 5 branches of the world economy: pharmochemistry, automotive, aeronautics, electronics and telecommunications.
What is certain is that the uncertainty about the dynamics of the real economy has impacted on the expectations in the stock markets and on economic growth in the world. The reactivation of production, whenever it occurs, will be slower than the previous dynamics.


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