Crisis Económica
Autor | Fecha | |
A global health crisis? No, something far worse | Richard Horton | 05/04/2020 - 13:53 |
Softening the blow of the pandemic: will the International Monetary Fund and World Bank make things worse? | Alexander Kentikelenis, Daniela Gabor, Isabel Ortiz, Thomas Stubbs, Martin McKee, David Stuckler | 04/17/2020 - 14:13 |
Suspend Emerging and Developing Economies’ Debt Payments | Carmen M. Reinhart, Kenneth Rogoff | 04/17/2020 - 13:43 |
“Es tiempo de solidaridad, no de exclusión” | Genaro Rodríguez Navarrete | 04/16/2020 - 20:50 |
The WHO v coronavirus: why it can't handle the pandemic | Stephen Buranyi | 04/16/2020 - 12:58 |
Autor | Fecha | |
La rentabilidad de la industria petrolera | Oscar Ugarteche, Arturo Martínez Paredes, OBELA | 05/01/2020 - 15:24 |
The profitability of the oil industry | Oscar Ugarteche, Arturo Martínez Paredes, OBELA | 05/01/2020 - 15:24 |
The financialisation of the covid19 crisis | Armando Negrete, OBELA | 04/29/2020 - 19:04 |
La financiarización de la crisis del COVID19 | Armando Negrete, OBELA | 04/29/2020 - 19:04 |
What changed with the epidemic? | Oscar Ugarteche | 04/27/2020 - 14:43 |
Qué ha cambiado desde la aparición del coronavirus | Oscar Ugarteche | 04/27/2020 - 14:40 |
Autor | Fecha | |
El COVID-19 y el mundo del trabajo. Tercera edición | OIT | 04/29/2020 - 14:08 |
Ante lo desconocido... La pandemia y el sistema-mundo | Ignacio Ramonet | 04/28/2020 - 14:09 |
COVID-19: A Triple Whammy for Emerging Market and Developing Economies | Kavaljit Singh | 04/23/2020 - 20:39 |
Dimensionar los efectosdel COVID-19 para pensaren la reactivación | CEPAL | 04/21/2020 - 16:52 |