United States


Jue, 07/04/2024 - 21:05 -- jdiaz

The trade war between the US and China began in March 2018 and intensified with new semiconductor tariffs in 2024. The US has pressured Mexico to reduce its ties with China and strengthen them with North America, as it did with the signing of the T-MEC. The renegotiation of T-MEC in 2026 will introduce new conditions. The pressure turned to applying tariffs on 99 per cent of Chinese imports. This article will analyse Mexico's position in the trade war between the two great powers.

Biden to Begin New Asia-Pacific Economic Bloc With a Dozen Allies

Lun, 05/23/2022 - 19:57 -- bacosta

President Biden has enlisted a dozen Asia-Pacific nations to join a new loosely defined economic bloc meant to counter China’s dominance and reassert American influence in the region five years after his predecessor withdrew the United States from a sweeping trade accord that it had negotiated itself.

The alliance will bring the United States together with such regional powerhouses as Japan, South Korea and India to establish new rules of commerce in the fastest-growing part of the world and offer an alternative to Beijing’s leadership. But wary of liberal opposition at home, Mr. Biden’s new partnership will avoid the market access provisions of traditional trade deals, raising questions about how meaningful it will be. 

“We’re writing the new rules for the 21st-century economy,” Mr. Biden said on Monday in Tokyo during the launch for what he has termed the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework. “We’re going to help all of our country’s economies grow faster and fairer.”

The indispensability of semiconductors

Lun, 04/19/2021 - 20:11 -- anegrete

The technological development of recent decades has transformed global value chains, in which there are inputs that have become indispensable and strategic. The semiconductor supply chain is unique.
Due to the increasing complexity of the technology and the need for mass production, this chain has been shaped by a set of specialized players at each stage of creation and production.
The nation that overcomes the obstacles of global chains and is able to produce chips autonomously will have control of the technology industry.

Overview of US unemployment

Vie, 01/29/2021 - 12:59 -- cdeleon

The economic outlook during 2020 has been very adverse worldwide, with employment in the US and globally falling more since the confinement than in any other crisis. The economic circumstances are unusual for those who remain in their occupations. Approximately 93% of the world's workers have been affected in some way by full or partial shutdowns of economic activities in an attempt to contain the health crisis. 

Unemployment in the US, according to official figures from the US Department of Labor (DOL), reached 15 per cent in April 2020, up from 10 per cent during the 2008 crisis, the worst figure in recent history. 

The US economy faces a very adverse employment environment and the challenge of creating conditions conducive to economic recovery. Overall, widespread vaccination may take time, condemning the West to even more prolonged confinement, more prolonged unemployment and more impoverished living conditions.

Post-pandemic multilateralism? or America alone

Jue, 09/17/2020 - 17:23 -- anegrete

The president of the United States launched a direct attack on the multilateral organizations responsible for preserving peace and coexistence among nations and the international economic order. After four years in office, he has weakened the multilateral order without any alternative. International relations are approaching a critical point.

The abandonment and confrontation with multilateral institutions, undertaken by the United States, has weakened the world order. In the face of the most serious economic crisis of capitalism and an unresolved global health crisis, international cooperation has to move forward without the U.S., or even in spite of it.

The critical point for multilateralism is not only the U.S. presidential elections next November. The horizon of Pax Americana multilateralism is about to end. In the face of this crisis, a new era of cooperation and international relations has begun with different structures, new economic forces and the important involvement of China with other emerging economies.

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