
An Agenda for Reform of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Mié, 12/10/2008 - 11:56 -- Anónimo (no verificado)

What are the underlying factors shaking the very foundation of one of the pillars of the international financial architecture? What strategic and managerial reforms would be necessary to allow the IMF to address the most pressing challenges to economic and financial stability? And fi nally, what can be done within the governance structure of the Fund to make it more representative of all segments of its membership?









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The Global Financial Crisis: What needs to be done?

Mié, 12/10/2008 - 11:45 -- Anónimo (no verificado)

Serious efforts to reform the international financial system must consider the broad lessons of the current crisis for financial market regulation, specific steps to take to make future financial stability more likely, and the reshaping of the international financial system, including its architecture and governance, so that it better serves the needs of the underlying real economy. Such efforts should begin with the recognition that the social costs of financial instability on the emerging market and developing economies are immense.



BRIC Shoppers Will ‘Rescue World’ Goldman Sachs Says

Lun, 12/01/2008 - 17:57 -- Anónimo (no verificado)

  BRIC Shoppers Will ‘Rescue World’ Goldman Sachs Says

Dec. 1 (Bloomberg) -- The best hope to keep the global economy growing may be people like Wei Yufang. A peasant who farms a small plot beside the mud-brown Huaihe River in central China, Wei has a modest dream: to buy an air conditioner to give her family relief from the dusty heat that each summer envelops Xiaogang (Little Hill) village in Anhui province.

Aporte para el Seguimiento de la Conferencia de Monterrey Doha 2008

Jue, 11/27/2008 - 16:09 -- Anónimo (no verificado)

1. Crisis actual y Nueva Arquitectura Financiera Internacional.
En septiembre de 2008 explotó una crisis financiera que venía anunciando su llegada desde
hacía un año atrás. Aunque comenzó en el sistema financiero, esta crisis no sólo impacta en
la economía, sino que evidencia lo que muchos sectores de la sociedad civil venían
señalando: las políticas neoliberales que han imperado desde el Consenso de Washington
han fracasado, inclusive ante aquellos que siempre las defendieron.

Países del ALBA deciden crear una moneda común: el "Sucre"

Jue, 11/27/2008 - 15:42 -- Anónimo (no verificado)
Los presidentes y representantes gubernamentales de los países miembros de la Alternativa Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (ALBA), más Ecuador, dieron hoy luz verde a la creación de una moneda común, denominada SUCRE (Sistema Único de Compensación Regional), que inicialmente circulará de manera virtual.

La declaración final de la III Cumbre extraordinaria del ALBA aprobada este miércoles en Caracas da luz verde a la construcción de la zona monetaria unida y un fondo de reservas con aportes de países miembros para sostener

Bank Ownership and Lending Behavior

Vie, 11/21/2008 - 11:17 -- Anónimo (no verificado)

Nesse ambiente instável, os bancos públicos desempenham um papel
estabilizador crucial do volume de crédito durante o ciclo econômico. O
comportamento anticíclico do crédito ofertado por instituições financeiras
públicas tem sido reconhecido até mesmo por economistas conservadores e
comprovado por diversos trabalhos empíricos. Estudo realizado por dois
economistas do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento – Alejandro Micco &
Ugo Panizza. Bank ownership and lending behavior, *Working Paper*, n. 520,

Western Hemisphere; Grappling with the Global Financial Crisis

Mar, 11/18/2008 - 16:38 -- Anónimo (no verificado)
The world economy continues to be buffeted by the burgeoning downdraft of the financial crisis
and volatile commodity prices. As such, the outlook points to a major downturn for the global
economy, with growth falling to its slowest pace since the 2001–02 recession. However, authorities
around the world have taken further, massive, and increasingly coordinated corrective actions. The
central scenario in the World Economic Outlook anticipates that these will be successful in stabilizing


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