OBELA Analysis

Lunes, Junio 22, 2020 - 15:36

The United States and the finances of the pandemic

During the pandemic, the United States and its institutions have taken measures that have had an impact on providing liquidity to the international system. In Latin America these have come through the IMF but also through agreements with the US central bank (FED).
In the context of the bankruptcy of companies, hotels, restaurant chains and the loss of investment grade, the US has seen a doubling of dividends per share versus earnings per share in banking. In these conditions, stock markets have, on the contrary, shown a strong recovery, even reaching new highs (Nasdaq).
The increase in liquidity by the FED and the central bank has allowed the stock exchanges to recover without a recovery in production, and high levels of unemployment, low levels of consumption and destruction of production, in a contradiction that leads to an increase in the already existing inequality.

Theme of reaserch:
Crisis económica
Lunes, Junio 15, 2020 - 15:18

Food security and loss of income

The food picture is complicated for much of the world, especially for vulnerable countries, by two particular factors: the fall in population income that the pandemic has produced and the confinement of the world's economies.
Food trade has become more complicated in terms of distribution networks, leading to higher food prices. This crisis has put the costs and benefits of food dependence on the free market into perspective.
How food is produced and distributed is in question since most countries have the capacity to produce food themselves and do not need to rely on long supply chains to feed their people.

Key words:
Theme of reaserch:
Crisis económica
Viernes, Mayo 29, 2020 - 13:03

The effects of covid-19 on price indices

The slowdown in economic activities impacted manufacturing production linked to the world market, and likewise food processing and distribution. The world is approaching a food consumption crisis. There are growing problems in the production and distribution of basic foods that are widespread.
The effect of the economic and production slowdown caused by COVID-19 has been a rise in food prices and in the prices of basic goods, which, however, is not reflected in consumer price indices, in general, due to the strong deflation of fuels and other raw materials.
With the economic rationale of free markets, free international food trade became more profitable and the notion of food security was abandoned. We now see the consequences on prices and the risks on the lack of supplies

Theme of reaserch:
Crisis económica
