International Financial Architecture

A new exchange rate era

Lun, 05/13/2024 - 02:10 -- bacosta

The reduction in the use of the dollar in international transactions and in keeping the reserves of nations, known as de-dollarisation, is not a conspiracy but rather the consequence of a series of interconnected factors reflecting changes in the global economic landscape. The declining relevance of the United States in the global economy, the growth of trade among emerging economies and the search for lower costs in international transactions are the main drivers of this phenomenon.

The RCEP and the misleading of yuan

Jue, 12/17/2020 - 13:03 -- cdeleon

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) reflects the polarisation of world trade that accelerated with the trade war between the United States and China. It reinforces Asian regional integration and offers China the opportunity to increase the influence of the Renminbi (RMB). Since 2009, China has developed a monetary strategy that promotes its currency as a medium of international exchange. 

According to Swift, in October 2020, Chinese money accounted for a meagre 1.66% of transactions as a global currency. We have seen that the opportunity for the influence of the renminbi in Asia and in the world economy has grown, and the open question is why it is not yet a major currency. 

China's participation in global trade and investment builds confidence in the WBN, particularly in parts of Asia and Africa. However, even China uses the dollar in business and holds a high proportion of dollar assets, so it is unlikely to replace the dollar as the world currency in the short term.

The IDB presidential election

Vie, 09/11/2020 - 12:02 -- anegrete

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has a long history. Ever since the Inter-American Conferences of 1889, the need for a bank with these characteristics has always been mentioned. Since 1959, with the beginning of the Cuban Revolution, the United States began the creation of the IDB and the Alliance for Progress.

Since then, we have seen illegal US intervention in Nicaragua, Grenada, Honduras, Paraguay, Brazil and, more recently, Bolivia and Venezuela. All this forgets what was agreed upon in 1889 at the Inter-American Conference: sovereignty and not rights by conquest.

The IDB is about to be intervened by an official of the US National Security Council at the request of the President, the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury. The reasons are to stop China's presence as a financier in Latin America, and to conclude the overthrow of uncomfortable governments that are not aligned with US power in the hemisphere.

The FED: follow the leader.

Vie, 09/16/2022 - 06:23 -- bacosta

Since 1990, the idea of central bank independence from national governments has become universal. It materialised with constitutional changes in some countries and legal changes in others, which prevent the central bank from financing public finances, except for the G7 countries and China. This principle goes with the unrestricted opening of capital accounts and the complete deregulation of financial markets. Additionally, with 60% of the world's GDP in dollar bills, monetary policy and interest rates in the world are in the hands of the Fed, except in China. 

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