Trade war

The WTO: The Other Side of the Trade War

Lun, 12/16/2019 - 20:38 -- anegrete

The President of the United States has sabotaged the appointment of judges to the WTO Court of Appeals itself. With that, the body ceased to exist for the practical purposes of the case.
Closing the WTO courts makes sense for the country against which there are more complaints from more countries, and which also does not believe in free trade. The trade war no longer has any brakes. Neither China, nor anyone else, has a place to complain
This is a state decision that accompanies the trade war and favours its companies, but also allows it to fight its weakened commercial hegemony.

The importance of chips in commercial warfare

Jue, 12/12/2019 - 18:29 -- anegrete

global currency, and much of the dominance in the microprocessor industry, through Intel, AMD and Qualcomm. China, on the other hand, has significant strategic advantages in telecommunications with the 5G network and the Huawei company.

The global semiconductor industry is concentrated in a few firms and a few countries. Although the manufacturing link in the semiconductor chain is in Asia, the licensing, intellectual property and production segments of the semiconductor value chain do not pass through China.

The Asian country has begun work towards chip manufacturing autonomy, which can be consolidated using reverse engineering. It is inevitable that the Asian country will develop an autonomous and competitive semiconductor industry and thus reduce its backwardness vis-à-vis the United States.

The role of lithium in trade warfare

Lun, 12/02/2019 - 19:11 -- anegrete

The change in the world energy matrix plays an important role in the trade war and the dispute for hegemony. While the US wants to conserve oil as an energy source, China is pushing the switch to clean energy at lower prices on the world market.

In this context, lithium plays an important role, as the main input for batteries, including those for electric cars.

South America is a disputed territory now fostered by lithium as a strategic resource, as was the saltpeter that led to a war in the nineteenth century.

The heart of trade warfare: The technological race and transition

Mié, 09/25/2019 - 16:29 -- anegrete

The commercial war waged by the U.S. against China is taking place in a scenario of technological backwardness in the areas of telecommunications, energy, electric cars, cell phones and computers against China.

The U.S. began to lose market share in the global high-tech market in the 21st century and concentrated on completing its global value chains to increase profitability. In 2018, China exported three times the value of these exports to the United States and more than ten times that of European countries.

The imperative need for the US to interfere with China's deployment is growing, and the protectionist trade route has not worked. Everything seems to indicate that the war is going to move to the exchange and financial field.

China will make state economy ‘stronger, better and bigger’, top trade negotiator Liu He says

Lun, 11/25/2019 - 11:08 -- aocampo

China señaló el viernes 22 de noviembe que no tiene planes para abandonar su modelo económico dirigido por el gobierno o debilitar el papel de sus empresas estatales, un cambio que EEUU ha estipulado como una de sus demandas clave en las negociaciones de la guerra comercial en curso.

Aunque el trato preferencial que China otorga a sus empresas estatales es una de las principales disputas entre Washington y Pekín, no es una cuestión que pueda resolverse en el acuerdo comercial provisional, o "fase uno", que ambas partes están intentando concluir antes de finales de año.

El trato preferencial que China otorga a sus empresas estatales es una de las principales disputas entre Washington y Pekín. A pesar de los progresos realizados en un acuerdo provisional, los comentarios sugieren que será más difícil encontrar una solución a largo plazo para la guerra comercial entre EEUU y China.


A Currency Deal with China?

Lun, 03/11/2019 - 14:35 -- aocampo

Estados Unidos siempre ha querido que China deje de comprar dólares para evitar que la moneda china, el renminbi (RMB), se fortalezca, como lo hizo masivamente China durante 2003–13, pero no lo ha hecho desde entonces.

La diferencia sería en la dirección de la manipulación, con China vendiendo dólares en lugar de simplemente no comprarlos. Pero el objetivo es el mismo: dañar la posición competitiva de China porque un RMB más fuerte aumenta los precios de las exportaciones chinas y baja los precios de sus importaciones.

Sin embargo, China no está ansiosa por ver que su superávit comercial, que ya ha disminuido a menos del 1 por ciento de su PIB, caiga aún más y está bastante contento con la modesta depreciación del RMB frente al dólar en el último año.



Trade war truce deadline played down by China media on eve of latest round of talks in Beijing

Lun, 02/11/2019 - 12:49 -- aocampo

La fecha límite del 1 de marzo para las negociaciones comerciales entre China y Estados Unidos es un "tema de medios creado por el lado estadounidense" y podría extenderse a una fecha posterior, como el 1 de mayo.

La idea de una fecha límite del 1 de marzo en realidad ofrece una cobertura para las negociaciones comerciales chino-estadounidenses. El problema real no es el límite de tiempo, sino si China y EE. UU. Pueden llegar a un acuerdo.

El gobierno chino ha estado tratando de minimizar la importancia del plazo del 1 de marzo desde el 1 de diciembre.

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