Oscar Ugarteche

Private debt in Latin America

Vie, 05/21/2021 - 10:26 -- anegrete

COVID induced a drop in production that left the world exposed to a financial crisis derived from the lack of income of companies when they have an accumulation of private debt and loss of profits.

Regarding new signs of financial fragility or instability in the region, derived from private sector problems, evidence shows that private external debt is more substantial than sovereign external debt in Latin America in the third decade of the 21st century.

High levels of private external debt could lead to a costly renegotiation process to reduce or restructure it. The question is whether this would be done by private agents or by the State as guarantor of the economic activities of the country.

El problema de América Latina es fiscal y no la deuda externa

Jue, 04/22/2021 - 17:24 -- anegrete

La crisis desatada por la COVID19 en el 2020 ha sido novedosa. Ha traído consigo un colapso del PIB, de la recaudación fiscal, un aumento de las reservas promedio de 3.8% y un alza en los precios de las materias primas.

En la actual crisis económica no se presenta una crisis externa sino una fiscal. La deuda es un problema interno al tiempo que combina una generosa disposición de divisas para atender los compromisos internacionales.

Lo que ha llevado a la no comprensión del problema es que el índice de deuda/PIB saltó entre 2019 y 2020 como resultado de la contracción del denominador- A esto acompañó un aumento de déficits fiscales que en general han sido financiados dentro de los países con el resultado de un sector externo saludable y un problema interno complicad.

Latin America's problem is fiscal and not the foreign debt

Jue, 04/22/2021 - 17:19 -- anegrete

The crisis unleashed by COVID19 in 2020 has been novel. It has brought with it a collapse in GDP and tax collection, an increase in average reserves of 3.8% and a rise in commodity prices.

The current economic crisis is not an external crisis but a fiscal one. The debt is a domestic problem while at the same time it combines a generous disposition of foreign currency to meet international commitments.

What has led to the misunderstanding of the problem is that the debt/GDP ratio jumped between 2019 and 2020 as a result of the contraction of the denominator - this was accompanied by an increase in fiscal deficits that have generally been financed within countries with the result of a healthy external sector and a complicated internal problem.

Decrecimiento económico, estabilidad financiera y revueltas políticas

Jue, 01/14/2021 - 16:52 -- cdeleon

El divorcio entre la economía real y la financiera se inició cuando se liberalizaron los mercados cambiarios en 1973, y se acentuó desde 1994. Este fenómeno se intensificó en 2020 por el decrecimiento estadounidense con la bolsa al alza. Lo novedoso de la primera semana de enero del 2021 es que se ha roto también la relación entre política y expectativas racionales en las bolsas de valores. Todo señala que, en la tercera década del siglo XXI, la inestabilidad política no es sinónimo a inestabilidad económica o financiera, contrario a las grandes crisis.

Lo que sí parece estar correlacionado es el tamaño del impacto económico con las protestas. No hay ningún tipo de margen entre las contracciones económicas con la radicalidad de las protestas.  Eso habla de una saturación social y de una presión social que se gestó desde antes de la pandemia en una lista larga de países más allá de América Latina.

La crisis del COVID19 expone  la problemática en el empleo, la producción y la salud. Ordinariamente se sale de las crisis con teorías económicas distintas de las que las indujeron. Esta vez, el único desempeño económico exitoso es el de China y sus vecinos de Asia. odo señala que la renovación vendrá de fuera de la esfera anglosajona y de occidente. 

Economic decline, financial stability, and political turmoil

Jue, 01/14/2021 - 16:51 -- cdeleon

The divorce between the real economy and the financial economy began when the exchange markets were liberalised in 1973, and became more pronounced from 1994 onwards. This phenomenon was intensified in 2020 by the US decline with the stock market rising. What is new about the first week of January 2021 is that the relationship between politics and rational expectations in the stock markets has also been broken. Everything points to the fact that, in the third decade of the 21st century, political instability is not synonymous with economic or financial instability, contrary to the major crises.

What does seem to be correlated is the size of the economic impact with the protests. There is no margin between economic contractions and radical protests.  This speaks of social saturation and social pressure that was built up before the pandemic in a long list of countries beyond Latin America.

The COVID crisis19 exposes the problem in employment, production and health. Usually, crises are overcome by economic theories that are different from those that induced them. This time, the only successful economic performance is that of China and its Asian neighbours. 

How it went in 2020

Mar, 12/29/2020 - 18:08 -- cdeleon

After 2018 and 2019, complicated by the United States' trade war with China, Britain's separation from the European Union and the fall in the United States' growth rate as the stock market index rises, 2020 broke all expectations.

The pandemic brought growth, employment and health problems to the economies. Raw material prices and international trade recovered rapidly. The financial boom and the fiscal problems of governments are remarkable.

We reiterate what we wrote a year ago, the general trend of the world economy is expected to continue its slow pace in most economies, with the clear contrast of the Asian economies that will continue to grow. This dynamic will change the economic axes from the Atlantic to the Pacific in a stable manner from now on.

Cómo estuvo el 2020

Mar, 12/29/2020 - 18:01 -- cdeleon

Luego del 2018 y 2019, complicados por la guerra comercial de Estados Unidos contra China, la separación de Gran Bretaña de la Unión Europea y la caída de la tasa de crecimiento de Estados Unidos al tiempo que el índice de la bolsa de valores sube, el 2020 rompió todas las expectativas.

La pandemia trajo problemas de crecimiento, empleo y salud en las economías. Los precios de las materias primas y el comercio internacional se recuperaron aceleradamente. Son notables el auge financiero y los problemas fiscales de los gobiernos.

Reiteramos lo que escribimos hace un año, se espera que la tendencia general de la economía mundial continúe su paso lento en la mayoría de las economías, con el claro contraste de las asiáticas que seguirán en crecimiento. Dicha dinámica modificará los ejes económicos del Atlántico al Pacifico de manera estable en adelante.

The RCEP and the misleading of yuan

Jue, 12/17/2020 - 13:03 -- cdeleon

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) reflects the polarisation of world trade that accelerated with the trade war between the United States and China. It reinforces Asian regional integration and offers China the opportunity to increase the influence of the Renminbi (RMB). Since 2009, China has developed a monetary strategy that promotes its currency as a medium of international exchange. 

According to Swift, in October 2020, Chinese money accounted for a meagre 1.66% of transactions as a global currency. We have seen that the opportunity for the influence of the renminbi in Asia and in the world economy has grown, and the open question is why it is not yet a major currency. 

China's participation in global trade and investment builds confidence in the WBN, particularly in parts of Asia and Africa. However, even China uses the dollar in business and holds a high proportion of dollar assets, so it is unlikely to replace the dollar as the world currency in the short term.

El RCEP y el engaño del yuan

Jue, 12/17/2020 - 12:57 -- cdeleon

La Asociación Económica Regional Integral (RCEP) refleja la polarización del comercio mundial que se aceleró con la guerra comercial entre Estados Unidos y China. Refuerza la integración regional asiática y ofrece a China la oportunidad de aumentar la influencia del Renminbi (RMB). Desde 2009, China ha desarrollado una estrategia monetaria que promueve su moneda como medio de intercambio internacional. 

Según Swift, en octubre de 2020, el dinero chino representaba un magro 1,66% de las transacciones como moneda mundial. Hemos visto que la oportunidad de la influencia del renminbi en Asia y en la economía mundial ha crecido, y la pregunta abierta es por qué no es todavía una moneda de primera categoría.

La participación de China en el comercio y las inversiones mundiales genera confianza en el RMB, en particular en partes de Asia y África. No obstante, incluso China utiliza el dólar en los negocios y mantiene una elevada proporción de activos en dólares, por lo que es poco probable que sustituya al dólar como moneda mundial a corto plazo.

The world economy towards the end of 2020

Lun, 11/16/2020 - 15:17 -- anegrete

The end of the year is approaching and the health and economic crises are still far from being resolved.  In the last report of the World Economic Outlook, the IMF re-estimated that the world economy will contract -4.4%, a correction of -1.03% with respect to the June forecast.

In almost all cases, a rebound in its growth rate is expected by 2021. This optimism forgets that several economies were dragging a downward trend in their growth rate, especially the advanced and larger economies.

With Trump's departure, how much does the U.S. and global outlook really change? For the world, what is the real space for transformation to Trump's balances, and for Latin America, what does this scenario represent for its economic and political relations?


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