OBELA Analysis

Lunes, Abril 6, 2020 - 19:01

Electric vehicles in Latin America

The change in the energy matrix led by China is not limited to the generation of electricity through clean energy. The market for electric cars, buses and motorcycles is booming.  Since 2016 China is the country with the highest domestic sales of electric cars and by 2019 it is the largest exporter of electric cars, motorcycles and buses in the world.
There is an incipient process of change of the automotive plant in Latin America essentially led by China and although small it is accelerating.
In Latin America, the electric car market is emerging. To reduce the carbon footprint, the governments of Latin American countries implemented measures to stimulate the consumption of electric cars

Theme of reaserch:
Desarrollo y medio ambiente
Lunes, Marzo 30, 2020 - 12:24

The fall in world trade volume and commodity prices

A large number of businesses have stopped because of the VOC-19 pandemic and the current economic outlook is negative for the global economy. As a result of China's closure of production and suspension of deliveries to global value chains and as intermediate inputs, many more countries have stopped much of their production.
International trade is suffering on both the export and import sides. Given the prospect of loss of real demand for inputs, the reaction on the stock market has not been one of over-pricing of commodities.
The trend in the prices of the main commodities has been downward since 201. Lower commodity prices have a direct impact on primary export economies, such as most Latin American economies.

Theme of reaserch:
Crisis económica
Viernes, Marzo 20, 2020 - 19:43

Impact of COVID-19 in Latin America

Since the recognition of the COVID-19 outbreak in December 2019, several measures of social isolation, suspension of activities and productive unemployment have been implemented. The impacts it has generated have put the world economy in a perspective of economic and social crisis even more complicated than that expected at the end of 2019.

The scenario for Latin America prior to the outbreak of COVID-19 was very complicated. ECLAC recognized in December 2019 that the region was showing a generalized and synchronized economic slowdown.

The virus, in addition to representing a serious global health crisis in itself, had exposed the deep structural limits of the world economy and revealed the vulnerabilities of the accumulation model based on the free market and global production chains.

Theme of reaserch:
Crisis económica
