Impact of COVID-19 in Latin America

Vie, 03/20/2020 - 19:43 -- anegrete

Since the recognition of the COVID-19 outbreak in December 2019, several measures of social isolation, suspension of activities and productive unemployment have been implemented. The impacts it has generated have put the world economy in a perspective of economic and social crisis even more complicated than that expected at the end of 2019.

The scenario for Latin America prior to the outbreak of COVID-19 was very complicated. ECLAC recognized in December 2019 that the region was showing a generalized and synchronized economic slowdown.

The virus, in addition to representing a serious global health crisis in itself, had exposed the deep structural limits of the world economy and revealed the vulnerabilities of the accumulation model based on the free market and global production chains.

La energía solar en la guerra comercial

Lun, 02/24/2020 - 12:56 -- anegrete

El cambio en la matriz energética juega un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de la guerra comercial. Las celdas fotovoltaicas y paneles solares han sido objeto de diversas sanciones estadounidenses como herramienta en contra de la expansión china en este sector.

El gobierno chino, en cambio,  ha puesto en marcha un plan para generar energías renovables en forma masiva, considera a la innovación y a la búsqueda de fuentes de energía alternativa como industrias emergentes estratégicas.

En América Latina existen grandes proyectos como el de Cauchari en Jujuy, Argentina, en Chihuahua, México, así como en Chile y otros países.

Solar energy in the trade war

Lun, 02/24/2020 - 12:56 -- anegrete

The change in the energy matrix plays a fundamental role in the development of the trade war. Photovoltaic cells and solar panels have been subject to various US sanctions as a tool against Chinese expansion in this sector.
The Chinese government, on the other hand, has launched a plan to generate renewable energies on a massive scale, and considers innovation and the search for alternative energy sources as strategic emerging industries.
In Latin America there are large projects such as Cauchari in Jujuy, Argentina, in Chihuahua, Mexico, as well as in Chile and other countries

The world economy: economic prospects for 2020

Lun, 12/23/2019 - 20:22 -- anegrete

The 2019 has been one of the most complicated in a long time for a number of countries seen from several angles: economic growth; social cohesion; international integration and political crisis. Since the 2008-2009 crisis, there has been stable high growth in Asia and slower growth in the United States, Europe, Latin America and Africa, which has apparently reached a limit

One factor that adds to the trend of economic slowdown is the drop in world trade, caused by the US economic war against China, which is reflected in a decrease in the price of raw materials and energy.

The general trend of the world economy is expected to continue its slow pace in most economies with the clear contrast of the Asian economies that will continue to grow three times faster than the West.

La economía mundial: perspectivas económicas para 2020

Lun, 12/23/2019 - 20:17 -- anegrete

El año 2019 ha sido uno de los más complicados en mucho tiempo para una serie de países visto desde varias aristas: crecimiento económico; cohesión social; integración internacional y crisis política. A partir de la crisis 2008–2009 hubo un crecimiento estable alto en Asia y un crecimiento ralentizado en Estados Unidos, Europa, América Latina y África que aparentemente han llegado a un limite

Un factor que se suma a la tendencia de desaceleración económica es la baja del comercio mundial, provocado por la guerra económica de EEUU contra China, el cual se ve reflejado en una disminución de los precios de las materias primas y el precio de los energéticos.

Se espera que la tendencia general de la economía mundial continúe su paso lento en la mayoría de las economías con el claro contraste de las economías asiáticas que seguirán creciendo tres veces más rápido que occidente.

The importance of chips in commercial warfare

Jue, 12/12/2019 - 18:29 -- anegrete

global currency, and much of the dominance in the microprocessor industry, through Intel, AMD and Qualcomm. China, on the other hand, has significant strategic advantages in telecommunications with the 5G network and the Huawei company.

The global semiconductor industry is concentrated in a few firms and a few countries. Although the manufacturing link in the semiconductor chain is in Asia, the licensing, intellectual property and production segments of the semiconductor value chain do not pass through China.

The Asian country has begun work towards chip manufacturing autonomy, which can be consolidated using reverse engineering. It is inevitable that the Asian country will develop an autonomous and competitive semiconductor industry and thus reduce its backwardness vis-à-vis the United States.

La importancia de los chips en la guerra comercial

Jue, 12/12/2019 - 18:08 -- anegrete

EEUU tiene, en su actual guerra comercial, dos importantes ventajas sobre China: el dólar como moneda mundial, y buena parte del dominio en la industria de microprocesadores, a través las empresas Intel, AMD y Qualcomm. China posee, en cambio, ventajas estratégicas importantes en las telecomunicaciones con la red 5G y la empresa Huawei.

La industria mundial de semiconductores está concentrada en pocas firmas y en pocos países. Aunque el eslabón de manufactura de la cadena de semiconductores se realiza en Asia, las licencias, la propiedad intelectual y los segmentos productivos de la cadena de valor de semiconductores no pasan por China.

El país asiático ha puesto en marcha trabajos hacia la autonomía de la fabricación de chips, que puede consolidarse utilizando ingeniería de reversa. Es inevitable que el país asiático desarrolle una industria autónoma y competitiva de semiconductores y así disminuir su retraso frente a EEUU.

The role of lithium in trade warfare

Lun, 12/02/2019 - 19:11 -- anegrete

The change in the world energy matrix plays an important role in the trade war and the dispute for hegemony. While the US wants to conserve oil as an energy source, China is pushing the switch to clean energy at lower prices on the world market.

In this context, lithium plays an important role, as the main input for batteries, including those for electric cars.

South America is a disputed territory now fostered by lithium as a strategic resource, as was the saltpeter that led to a war in the nineteenth century.

El papel del litio en la guerra comercial

Lun, 12/02/2019 - 18:56 -- anegrete

El cambio en la matriz energética mundial juega un papel importante en la guerra comercial y la disputa por la hegemonía. Mientras que EEUU quiere conservar el petróleo como fuente de energía, China empuja el cambio a las energías limpias a menores precios en el mercado mundial.

En este contexto, el litio juega un papel importante, por ser el insumo principal para las baterías, incluidas las de los automóviles eléctricos.

América del Sur es un territorio en disputa fomentado ahora por el litio como recurso estratégico, como lo fue antes el salitre que llevó a una guerra en el silgo XIX entre los mismos países ahora mencionados.

Fed up with market policies in Latin America?

Lun, 11/04/2019 - 13:43 -- anegrete

Throughout the world, the effects of neoliberal policies have exhausted society. Except in Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia, since the late 1980s, economic policy in Latin America has been based on the free market.

The economic balances are ambiguous, with successive financial crises, high income concentration and social exclusion along with declining primary export growth, decade by decade since 1990.

Social balances are even worse in terms of privatization of public goods such as education, health, and the deterioration of salaries, quality of employment and pensions. The October protests in Ecuador, Chile, Haiti and Argentina express a general feeling of fed up with the economic policy model.


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