OBELA Analysis

Jueves, Abril 22, 2021 - 17:19

Latin America's problem is fiscal and not the foreign debt

The crisis unleashed by COVID19 in 2020 has been novel. It has brought with it a collapse in GDP and tax collection, an increase in average reserves of 3.8% and a rise in commodity prices.

The current economic crisis is not an external crisis but a fiscal one. The debt is a domestic problem while at the same time it combines a generous disposition of foreign currency to meet international commitments.

What has led to the misunderstanding of the problem is that the debt/GDP ratio jumped between 2019 and 2020 as a result of the contraction of the denominator - this was accompanied by an increase in fiscal deficits that have generally been financed within countries with the result of a healthy external sector and a complicated internal problem.

Theme of reaserch:
Arquitectura financiera
Lunes, Abril 19, 2021 - 20:11

The indispensability of semiconductors

The technological development of recent decades has transformed global value chains, in which there are inputs that have become indispensable and strategic. The semiconductor supply chain is unique.
Due to the increasing complexity of the technology and the need for mass production, this chain has been shaped by a set of specialized players at each stage of creation and production.
The nation that overcomes the obstacles of global chains and is able to produce chips autonomously will have control of the technology industry.

Theme of reaserch:
Crisis económica
Viernes, Abril 9, 2021 - 18:08

Water pollution in mining

The supply and quality of water depend on the healthy balance of the environment, which is largely damaged by the actions of extractive companies that also harm public health.

Most of the mining companies in Latin America are managed by foreign private companies, mainly Canadian, British and Chinese. Mexico is the main producer of silver, Chile of copper, Bolivia of lithium, Brazil is the third largest producer of iron ore and Peru is among the leading producers of silver, copper and gold.

The mining sector is facing an increasingly serious scenario of water scarcity and social and institutional demand with social and environmental commitment. It is an activity that inevitably affects the environment and pollutes water, soil and air.

Key words:
Theme of reaserch:
Desarrollo y medio ambiente
