OBELA Analysis

Viernes, Junio 11, 2021 - 16:15

The search for Latin American lithium

The energy transition has made lithium a critical element. In Latin America it is a priority issue that gained strength since the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century. The energy transition has forced the use of technology and inputs other than those related to hydrocarbons.

Lithium has gained an important place in the dispute for world hegemony. Since lithium was recognized as a key element for the energy transition of the vehicle fleet, it began to be considered as a strategic material.

Latin America stands out for its immense lithium reserves. Bolivia, Argentina and Chile are the three countries with the largest reserves of this material. Lithium and its exploitation in the region is a clash of interests. While the countries of the region themselves seek to take advantage of the growing demand for lithium to obtain fiscal resources from its exploitation, developed countries ensure access to it for the production of rechargeable batteries.

Theme of reaserch:
Desarrollo y medio ambiente
Lunes, Mayo 31, 2021 - 17:48

Chinese land transport in Latinamerica

Freight transport is very important to China's plans in Latin America and its continued global expansion. Land transport is vital to such an ambitious project as the New Silk Road, which seeks to grow world trade with China at the center.

In a context of trade and territorial dispute with the USA, China seeks to control more land routes in South America to move its goods more easily. This situation is one more example of the confrontation between Chinese and U.S. interests in Latin America.

It seems that China seeks an integration process in South America for its own benefit. The dispute is reflected in the development banks financed by each superpower and their percentage of participation in future constructions.

Theme of reaserch:
Crisis económica
Viernes, Mayo 21, 2021 - 10:26

Private debt in Latin America

COVID induced a drop in production that left the world exposed to a financial crisis derived from the lack of income of companies when they have an accumulation of private debt and loss of profits.

Regarding new signs of financial fragility or instability in the region, derived from private sector problems, evidence shows that private external debt is more substantial than sovereign external debt in Latin America in the third decade of the 21st century.

High levels of private external debt could lead to a costly renegotiation process to reduce or restructure it. The question is whether this would be done by private agents or by the State as guarantor of the economic activities of the country.

Theme of reaserch:
Arquitectura financiera
