OBELA Analysis

Jueves, Septiembre 23, 2021 - 20:39

COVID-19, its impact on women's lives

The pandemic has not only affected public health but also the social, political and economic life of society, deepening existing inequalities. The effects of the COVID-19 crisis have been felt most by vulnerable groups, especially women.

Worldwide, it is estimated that the pandemic has affected approximately 80% of professional women, who are affected in their professional lives as well as in their family and personal spheres. In Latin America, more than half of women work in the sectors most affected by the economic contraction, such as domestic work, tourism, manufacturing, administrative services and the health sector.

COVID-19 has a strong influence on the labor and personal development of women in the world, and makes the inequalities experienced by women even more evident.

Theme of reaserch:
Desarrollo y medio ambiente
Jueves, Septiembre 16, 2021 - 11:31

The cost of climate change

The Paris agreement, signed in 2015, is so far the most ambitious agreement developed among nations to combat climate change. This agreement seeks to keep the global temperature level below 2°c compared to the pre-industrial levels,

The actions taken by Latin American governments are insufficient to slow progressive climate change. The region will be one of the geographical areas most affected economically and socially by this fact.

Faced with the current climate scenario, developing countries should rethink how much they are doing to fight climate change, because, although they are not the most polluting nations in the world, they will be the most affected by it.

Theme of reaserch:
Desarrollo y medio ambiente
Jueves, Septiembre 9, 2021 - 19:55

Latin america's post-pandemic energy transition

The global change of the energy matrix gained momentum in the 2010s thanks to technological advances for electricity generation with renewable energies; international agreements in favor of the environment; and climate change.

Latin American countries are in the process of changing the global energy matrix and have had several advances. The COVID-19 pandemic paralyzed the world and the economy. Latin America was no exception and it seems that this may have slowed down renewable energies.

The energy transition in Latin America is underway. Government incentives and continued Chinese investments and loans will be key to its development.

Theme of reaserch:
Desarrollo y medio ambiente
