Evergrande is not Lehman Brothers: beware the us budget extension
Evergrande is a conglomerate that managed to become the largest real estate developer in China, driven by the accelerated population growth of China's cities. It now has a debt equivalent to 2% of China's GDP, around 2 trillion yuan or USD 309 billion.
Like the entire real estate sector, Evergrande used to take loans with land as collateral. This type of cycle stops when property prices stagnate or when the government regulates prepayment, as happened in China.
Recently it has been warned that it could be a trigger for a possible international financial collapse and has been compared to Lehman Brothers (2008). However, the situation is different: the bulk of the debt is within the Chinese financial system, which is closed to international investment, and only 26% of the total debt is owed to international investors.