Build Back Better throughout 2021

Vie, 11/26/2021 - 09:47 -- anegrete

In May 2021, President Joseph Biden released his proposed 2022 U.S. budget, outlining spending levels for the next ten years. The program has been modified during congressional negotiations, as the real cost of some policies could be excessive.

The constant deficit of the US government has not favored the economic growth of the country. The increase in public debt at an average annual rate of 7% between 2010 and 2021 translated into an annual GDP growth rate of 1.9% in the same period. According to estimates in the congressional resolution, its growing debt issuance will continue.

If approved, the question is not just whether these expenditures and investments have an impact on national income and are capable of stimulating private investment in the midst of the post-pandemic recovery.

La complejidad de la inflación post-confinamiento

Vie, 11/19/2021 - 10:54 -- anegrete

Desde que se reanudó la actividad económica tras los confinamientos, se han observado elevadas tasas de inflación en todo el mundo, aunque algunas autoridades monetarias han señalado que es transitoria. . La integración de cadenas globales de valor, la magnitud del comercio internacional y la interdependencia productiva y financiera han dado forma a esta inflación post-confinamiento.

La inflación está lejos de ser transitoria, las empresas se enfrentan a una combinación de desafíos en la cadena de suministros, así como a mayores costos de energía, materias primas, embalaje y envío, a la vez que se convierte en una de las mayores preocupaciones de los consumidores en todo el mundo.

Los bancos centrales han tomado una postura más agresiva. Los funcionarios de la Fed de Estados Unidos aceptaron que la alta inflación, que ha aumentado al 5 por ciento, será duradera. Estas medidas resultan contractivas, contrarias a la tan deseada recuperación del producto.

The complexity of post-lockdown inflation

Vie, 11/19/2021 - 10:51 -- anegrete

Since economic activity resumed after the lockdowns, high rates of inflation have been observed around the world, although some monetary authorities have indicated that it is transitory. . The integration of global value chains, the magnitude of international trade and the productive and financial interdependence have shaped this post-confinement inflation.

Inflation is far from transitory, companies are facing a combination of supply chain challenges, as well as higher costs for energy, raw materials, packaging and shipping, all while becoming one of the biggest concerns of consumers around the world.

Central banks have taken a more aggressive stance. US Fed officials accepted that high inflation, which has risen to 5 percent, will be long-lasting. These measures are contractive, contrary to the much desired recovery of the product.

B3W el contraproyecto a la Ruta de la Seda

Lun, 10/25/2021 - 15:47 -- anegrete

La iniciativa global Build Back Better World (B3W) de EE. UU. ha sido expuesta por el presidente Biden a América Latina como una alternativa al financiamiento chino en infraestructura. Esta tiene la intención de hacer frente al proyecto One Belt, One Road, del Gigante Asiático bajo dos principales líneas políticas.

El enfoque del proyecto B3W está en el desarrollo de las infraestructuras, aunque el G7 ha recurrido a China por inversión para renovar sus propias infraestructuras. China sigue vista por EE. UU. como la amenaza más grande a la seguridad nacional del siglo XXI, en continuación a la administración republicana.

El B3W representa para EE.UU. un medio de competencia estratégica con China, lo cual muestra que al menos en el corto plazo las tensiones y el rechazo a cooperar con el Gigante Asiático serán una constante.

B3W the silk road Counter-Project

Lun, 10/25/2021 - 15:36 -- anegrete

The US Global Build Back Better World (B3W) initiative has been exposed by President Biden to Latin America as an alternative to Chinese financing in infrastructure. It intends to tackle the Asian Giant's One Belt, One Road project under two main political lines.

The focus of the B3W project is on infrastructure development, although the G7 has turned to China for investment to renovate its own infrastructure. China is still viewed by the US as the greatest threat to national security of the 21st century, following the Republican administration.

The B3W represents for the United States a means of strategic competition with China, which shows that, at least in the short term, tensions and the refusal to cooperate with the Asian Giant will be a constant.

Palabras clave: 

¿Una crisis económica en China?

Mar, 10/19/2021 - 14:35 -- anegrete

La quiebra de Evergrande parece ser el tema más cubierto por la prensa especializada en la actualidad, incluso prevén una crisis económica en China. La situación real del conglomerado no significa una crisis mundial, aunque tal vez un problema para el país asiático.

China fue el único país grande en crecer en el 2020 y el primero en controlar la pandemia del COVID-19. Su inversión en activos fijos es uno de los principales motores de crecimiento. El valor bruto del sector construcción tuvo un crecimiento de 19% en el segundo trimestre del 2021, respecto al 2020.

La perspectiva china no alentadora, pero no es catastrófica como se plantea. El gobierno y la prensa china parecen más preocupados por el comercio internacional y la oferta energética que por el sector construcción y el bancario. La quiebra de las inmobiliarias puede presentar un problema para el mercado interno en el corto plazo por la pérdida de empleo, pero la experiencia demuestra que el gobierno no lo dejará a la deriva.

An economic crisis in China?

Mar, 10/19/2021 - 14:23 -- anegrete

Evergrande's bankruptcy seems to be the most covered topic by the specialized press nowadays, they even foresee an economic crisis in China. The actual situation of the conglomerate does not mean a world crisis, although perhaps a problem for the Asian country.

China was the only large country to grow in 2020 and the first to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Its investment in fixed assets is one of the main drivers of growth. The gross value of the construction sector had a 19% growth in the second quarter of 2021, compared to 2020.

The Chinese outlook is not encouraging, but it is not catastrophic as posited. The Chinese government and press seem more concerned about international trade and energy supply than about the construction and banking sectors. The real estate bankruptcy may present a problem for the domestic market in the short term due to job losses, but experience shows that the government will not let it drift.

Evergrande no es Lehman Brothers: cuidado con la ampliación del presupuesto de los Estados Unidos

Jue, 09/30/2021 - 12:46 -- anegrete

Evergrande es un conglomerado que consiguió ser el desarrollador inmobiliario más grande de China, impulsado por el acelerado crecimiento demográfico de las ciudades de ese país. Ahora tiene una deuda equivalente al 2% de PIB de China, alrededor de 2 billones de yuanes o 309 mil millones de USD.

Al igual que todo el sector inmobiliario, Evergrande tomaba préstamos con tierras como garantía. Este tipo de ciclos se detiene cuando los precios de las propiedades se estancan o cuando el gobierno regula el pago adelantado, como pasó en China.

Recientemente se ha advertido que puede ser un detonador de un posible colapso financiero internacional y se le ha comparado con Lehman Brothers (2008). Sin embargo, la situación es diferente: el grueso de la deuda es dentro del sistema financiero chino que es cerrado a las inversiones internacionales y sólo 26% del total adeudado es con inversionistas internacionales.

Evergrande is not Lehman Brothers: beware the us budget extension

Jue, 09/30/2021 - 12:39 -- anegrete

Evergrande is a conglomerate that managed to become the largest real estate developer in China, driven by the accelerated population growth of China's cities. It now has a debt equivalent to 2% of China's GDP, around 2 trillion yuan or USD 309 billion.

Like the entire real estate sector, Evergrande used to take loans with land as collateral. This type of cycle stops when property prices stagnate or when the government regulates prepayment, as happened in China.

Recently it has been warned that it could be a trigger for a possible international financial collapse and has been compared to Lehman Brothers (2008). However, the situation is different: the bulk of the debt is within the Chinese financial system, which is closed to international investment, and only 26% of the total debt is owed to international investors.

COVID-19, its impact on women's lives

Jue, 09/23/2021 - 20:39 -- anegrete

The pandemic has not only affected public health but also the social, political and economic life of society, deepening existing inequalities. The effects of the COVID-19 crisis have been felt most by vulnerable groups, especially women.

Worldwide, it is estimated that the pandemic has affected approximately 80% of professional women, who are affected in their professional lives as well as in their family and personal spheres. In Latin America, more than half of women work in the sectors most affected by the economic contraction, such as domestic work, tourism, manufacturing, administrative services and the health sector.

COVID-19 has a strong influence on the labor and personal development of women in the world, and makes the inequalities experienced by women even more evident.


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